Starting school is a big first step and there are usually many questions from children and parents. Below is a virtual pack of information to help you and your child on this journey.

General Information
Getting Ready for Primary School - a booklet with tips and checklists to help parents prepare their child for Kindergarten.
Parent Page - a two page flyer we have put together with information to help make the transition smooth.
Parent Guide to the NSW Syllabus - Helping you to understand your child’s progress through primary school.
Transitioning to School - helpful information from the NSW Education Standards Authority on transitioning to school.
Road Safety - education for primary school students.
Join the P&C!
Wahroonga Public School P&C - all about the Parents and Citizens Association. Join the P&C.
Stay connected
School Stream - this is the way the school will send up to date information, a MUST have.
Swimming Lessons - learn to swim in the school pool.
Handwriting - information on handwriting in the early years.
Helping your child with literacy and numeracy at home - These resources have been created for parents, carers and families of children in the early years of school. The activities support the important learning that happens at home. They are designed for you to have fun with your child and to help them have a great start at school. Download in languages other than English here
Ten Frame - The ten frame supports your child to make connections between counting, adding and subtracting.
Phonemic Awareness and Phonics - information about how these important skills are taught at Wahroonga Public School.
Phonemic Awareness Newsletter - information on Phonemic Awareness.
Pre-ordering Uniforms - information on the uniform shop, ordering and uniform requirements. More information can be found on the school website here.
Label Order - it is important to name all of your child's belongings so they can be returned when lost.
Flexischools - the order system for uniforms and lunch orders.
Shoe Order - order your child's shoes through Mr Shoe
Notes and Forms
Permission to Publish Form - general permission to publish and disclose information.
School Newsletter Sign Up - fill in this online form to receive the school weekly newsletter. A very important step to keeping up to date.
Scripture and Ethics Preference - information on education in ethics, faith and morality from a religious or non-religious perspective at the choice of parents.
Food at School
Crunch and Sip - information about what this is.
Healthy Lunch - an important part of an positive day at school.
Canteen Menu - information on the food available through the school canteen.
Pizza Tuesdays - each Tuesday is pizza day at the canteen.
Flexischools - the order system for uniforms and lunch orders.
Oral Health - information on oral health for your child.
External School Programs
OOSH - Out of School Hours care for your children. Otherwise know as before and after school care.
OOSH - Information for new familiies
School Banking - information about the program run through CommBank.
Christian SRE - information on what Christian scripture education involves.
Catholic SRE - information about what Catholic scripture education involves.
Ethics - information about what Ethics education involves
For your child
Transition to School Storybook - An activity and story book for children and families about starting kindergarten.
Countdown to Kindergarten - a calendar to help your child get ready for school.
Kooki Colouring - your child might enjoy colouring in our school mascot.
NSW Foundation Writing Guide - help your child practise correct letter formation. They can then practice writing their name.
Daisy's First Day - a children's book about Daisy the koala on her first day at primary school.
School Song - music for the school song, you might like to practice singing the school song at home.
School Song, School Creed, National Anthem, Welcome to Country - to practice at home
Task Cards - these cards contain essential tasks for your child to learn to do independently to assist in a smooth transition to school.
Milo Colouring - colour in Little Learners Love Literacy character Milo.
Dominoes - dominoes are a wonderful resource for supporting early numeracy.
Dolomites Colouring 1 - School Banking colouring in page.
Dolomites Colouring 2 - School Banking colouring in page.
Dolomites Colouring 3 - School Banking colouring in page.
Dolomites Colouring 4 - School Banking colouring in page.