Wahroonga Public School

We're all Wahroonga Proud

Telephone02 9489 3086


P&C news

For the latest news please read the school newsletter.

Term 3

● Tuesday 30th July (Week 2): Athletics Carnival Canteen. 

● Sunday 4 August 2pm - Craft Stall Working Bee.

● Monday 5 August: P&C Meeting 7:15pm Library or via Zoom. Link will be sent out via School Bytes. 

● Week 6: Father’s Day Stall

● Saturday 14 September: Election Day BBQ / Cake Stall

Term 4

● Saturday 19 October: Spring Fair

● Friday 6 December: End of Year & Christmas Celebrations with the Family Afternoon/Evening

If you would like to help with any of these events, let us know on wpspandc@gmail.com.  Any amount of help would be greatly appreciated and it is a fun way to help your kids and meet other parents.