Wahroonga Public School's P&C Association is governed by the elected Executive positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary, along with additional General Members of the Executive. You can become a voting member of the P&C by attending a general meeting and paying $2 to join. You will then be able to vote at subsequent meetings. An AGM is usually held in March of each year. All welcome.
Executive members for 2024:
President: Ashleigh Halvorsen
Vice President: Michael Nolan
Vice President: Alison Bangs
Secretary: Alex Kinsey
Treasurer: Andrew Clarke
Executive Member (Social Committee): Sian Jenkins
Executive Member: Jess Harrison
Executive Member: Kate Anderson
Executive Member: Liz Kennedy
Executive Member: Sian Gipslis
Executive Member: Jennifer Lorance
Further Sub Committee members can be found in the AGM minutes.If you would like to get in touch with the P&C, simply email wpspandc@gmail.com.