Wahroonga Public School

We're all Wahroonga Proud

Telephone02 9489 3086


Uniform Shop

Uniform Shop

Friederike White, Uniform Shop Manager
Email: bush.uniformshop@gmail.com

The Bush School's Uniform Shop is open the following hours during school term time only:

Tuesdays 2:30pm - 3:45pm
Fridays 8:30am - 10am

Please contact via email for beginning of term times,

Alternatively you may order uniform at any time via www.flexischools.com.au.

In addition to school uniforms, the shop sells backpacks, library bags, hooded raincoats, art smocks and various other items. Read more.

Uniform Requirements - more information

Online Ordering available - more information

Volunteering at the Uniform Shop - more information
CAN YOU HELP? - We are always on the lookout for volunteers to help during opening hours. Sign up by clicking here if you are interested.

Second-hand and pre-loved uniforms
We have a large selection of second-hand uniforms, ties, bags, etc. Which are also available for purchase. Donations of these items to be sold are always welcome. Please ensure they are clean (washed) and in good repair.

Please check the newsletter for current uniform shop news.